Hello All,
I hope you had a great Christmas and New Years!
As my first post of 2015, I'm going to talk about my favourite special effects product which is Sculpt Gel.
Sculpt Gel is a silicone make-up product that can be used to create almost anything from lacerations to burns and scars. Its a great alternative to wax and much easier to use. There are colourless versions of sculpt gel or there are flesh coloured ones. I prefer the clear ones as it is easier to match with the skin of the person to whom you are applying it to, but its down to personal preference.
It comes in 3 parts, A and B are the main components and C is a softener. Mix parts A and B equally in weight or volume and they will react and start to slowly harden. Add part C if you are applying make-up to an area which needs more flexibility such as the neck. Only mix small batches at a time because if it hardens on your palette while you are still working then it can no longer be used.
Using a blunt tool such as a metal or plastic spatula, apply to the skin sparingly and build up by adding more until you have achieved the shape of the laceration. Adding too much at first will cause it to be too heavy if you are using it on the face and it will droop.
It takes a little time to harden completely so you can speed the process up by using a hair dryer.
Once it is dry you can start colouring it using grease paints or whatever you like to use. It stays flexible and is resistant to water and sweat so is really durable.
I use it for just about anything but using it to make deep looking cuts is my favourite use for it. It creates a really realistic looking wound and it blends in to the skin easily.
To remove it, I use my spatula to get underneath the gel and gently peel it away from the skin, it can sting a bit if used on areas of the body with hair so be very gentle and use a make-up wipe on the skin as you peel it away to cool down the skin. To remove any left on the skin a make-up wipe can be used or a stronger remover.
You can buy sculpt gel from most special effects make-up providers such as Mouldlife and PS Composites.
Thanks for reading!
Here are two very different examples of what can be created with sculpt gel (both by myself, please have a look at my facebook page for more goriness and blood: facebook.com/bethhaggarmakeup)